The Vietnamese government is demonstrating a high determination in promoting public investment, focusing on numerous strategic infrastructure projects that connect economic centres. This will serve as an important launching pad for Vietnam to enter a new era – the era...
"We expect positive momentum from domestic drivers such as production, consumer spending and visitor arrivals to contribute to the activities, especially in the first half," the bank said in its latest report.
Vietnamese consumers showed the highest level of optimism regarding their country’s economic outlook compared with their regional peers, according to a recent study by Singapore’s United Overseas Bank (UOB).
This financing will enable Betrimex to import or purchase raw materials and domestic goods to produce with products organic certifications including Fairtrade certified products.
A report of United Overseas Bank (UOB Việt Nam) shows that 76 per cent of Vietnamese people are optimistic about improving their personal finances by the middle of next year, followed by Indonesians (74 per cent) and Thais (68 per cent).
Citi announced on Wednesday it has completed the sale of Citi’s Vietnam retail banking and consumer credit card businesses to United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB), which includes the transfer of approximately 575 related staff.
Citi on Friday announced it has reached an agreement with UOB Group (UOB) on the acquisition of Citi’s consumer banking franchises in Viet Nam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.
“This fresh injection of capital demonstrates UOB’s commitment to deepening our presence in Viet Nam, and contributing to the country’s ongoing development," said Wee Ee Cheong, UOB Deputy Chairman and CEO.
Viet Nam is Asia’s bright spot amid trade tensions, said the latest report on Viet Nam’s economy by the United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB), which forecast the country’s economy will expand 6.7 per cent in 2019.
United Overseas Bank Vietnam Ltd has come out with a new mobile application that enables people to open personal bank accounts online and cut the time taken to open them from 45 minutes to 10 minutes.